Spreading the Word: How Lauren Beek Cultivates Young Readers’ Passion for Books

Lauren and Clifford at an SRN book fair

Lauren Beek’s passion for books started early: she remembers the excitement of being able to read a beloved Berenstain Bears book on her own for the first time. This enthusiasm grew, leading her to major in English, and become a nonprofit Communications specialist.

As Project Lead for Start Reading Now (SRN), Lauren’s passion intertwines with a commitment to help kids of all backgrounds develop their own love of reading through SRN’s book fairs that provide first-third graders with ten free books each year over the course of three years. Through her work with SRN, Lauren supports young readers not only to build their own libraries at a pivotal time in their education, but to develop a lifelong relationship with reading as a fun and empowering activity. 

(Read more here: www.atomicdata.com/cultivating-young-readers-passion-for-books)
